
Visualforce Page Details
Name HcMultipleCarePlanPage
Label HcMultipleCarePlanPage
Namespace Prefix HealthCloudGA
Api Version 60
Markup <!-- * Copyright © 2015 salesforce.com, inc. All rights reserved. * @copyright This document contains proprietary and confidential information and shall not be reproduced, * transferred, or disclosed to others, without the prior written consent of Salesforce. * @description HcCarePlanPage visualforce page, LighiningOut container for HcCarePlanBaseCmp * @since 198.1 --> <apex:page standardStylesheets="false" docType="html-5.0" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" readOnly="true" showChat="false" applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" wizard="false" cache="true" > <c:HcCommonIncludes includeHealthCloud="true" setTabLink="true"/> <html> <head> <!--Siva: When rendered component doesn't have an init and the component is being rendered within a v.body in the parent component enclosed in an aura:if, it doesn't get scoped by the parent component for CSS. Hence we add the css here --> <!-- Refer: HcBaseComponent and HcMultipleCarePlanContainer --> <style> div.hc-carePlanActionMenu { position: absolute; margin-top: 0.5rem; right: 0rem; } </style> </head> <c:HcSpinnerComponent spinnerContainerId="spinnerDiv"/> <div id="lightningout-careplan" /> </html> <script> var patientId = healthCloud.getUrlQueryParameter('recId'); var startT = new Date().getTime(); $Lightning.use("HealthCloudGA:HcMultipleCarePlanApp", function() { $Lightning.createComponent("HealthCloudGA:HcMultipleCarePlanContainer", { startT : startT, patientId : patientId, shownInAlohaConsole: true }, "lightningout-careplan"); document.getElementById("spinnerDiv").className = "slds-hidden"; }); </script> </apex:page>